My Experience with Telework and Remote Work

The norms surrounding how and where people work have undergone some major changes lately, and I’ve been fortunate enough to experience two exciting models: telework and remote work. Throughout my career, I’ve navigated each with its own nuances and challenges. Rather than rehashing definitions you can easily find online, I thought I’d share a personal account of how these experiences were and how they shaped my day to day work-life....

2024-03-17 1178 words 6 min

Unplugging From Reddit

I’m writing this during the 2023 Reddit Blackout, a protest on the platform spanning thousands of subreddits and impacting billions of users. While I hope this post doesn’t come across as overly dramatic, I hope it goes to show that users still have some agency in this corporate, ad-dominated, tip of the iceberg part of the internet we find ourselves spending so much time in. Years of Reddit I lurked for years before this, but I created my first Reddit account in 2016....

2023-06-14 744 words 4 min