My Experience with Telework and Remote Work

The norms surrounding how and where people work have undergone some major changes lately, and I’ve been fortunate enough to experience two exciting models: telework and remote work. Throughout my career, I’ve navigated each with its own nuances and challenges. Rather than rehashing definitions you can easily find online, I thought I’d share a personal account of how these experiences were and how they shaped my day to day work-life....

2024-03-17 1178 words 6 min

Unplugging From Reddit

I’m writing this during the 2023 Reddit Blackout, a protest on the platform spanning thousands of subreddits and impacting billions of users. While I hope this post doesn’t come across as overly dramatic, I hope it goes to show that users still have some agency in this corporate, ad-dominated, tip of the iceberg part of the internet we find ourselves spending so much time in. Years of Reddit I lurked for years before this, but I created my first Reddit account in 2016....

2023-06-14 744 words 4 min

Running a Plex Media Server

<!-- image = "images/plex-server-ai.jpeg" --> --> Why Host? I used Netflix for a long time. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this, it’s like a household staple at this point. Netflix even has a button on my NVIDIA Shield remote: But the fractured state of digital media has left people spending a lot of money on streaming services. We’re not even paying for convenience, half the time I don’t even know where to watch a given movie/show unless it’s an obviously mediocre Netflix original....

2023-02-02 995 words 5 min

"How Are You?"

<!-- image = "images/how-are-you-two-face.jpeg" --> Here’s how I’ve been the last 14 days: Sun 12/22: TODO Sat 12/21: TODO Fri 12/20: TODO Thu 12/19: TODO Wed 12/18: TODO Tue 12/17: TODO Mon 12/16: TODO Sun 12/15: TODO Sat 12/14: TODO Fri 12/13: TODO Thu 12/12: TODO Wed 12/11: TODO Tue 12/10: TODO Mon 12/9: TODO (Last Updated: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 09:01:42 PST ) .gitlab-ci.yml # .gitlab-ci.yml image: curlimages/curl:latest deploy: stage: deploy rules: - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"' script: - curl -X POST -d {} https://api....

2023-02-01 355 words 2 min

My ThinkOrSwim Resources

About For those that use ThinkOrSwim, here are some simple and helpful trading grids to get you started, especially if you don’t track these tickers yet. S&P 500 Intraday Setup This is my setup for intraday SPY/ES. (Think)Scripts Market Open / Lunch Times This section provides useful ToS scripts that don’t come with ToS by default. I’ll link them directly below. Use this script to draw vertical lines for market open and lunch times....

2022-12-29 276 words 2 min

Golang - Recycled Variables

Reused Variables in Golang In general it’s a bad idea to reuse/recycle variables (see: Software Design/Don’t reuse a variable). It makes code less readable, debugging more difficult, and can lead to bad designs. The following sections will highlight some issues with reused/recycled variables in Go. range range is a Go built-in keyword provided to iterate over arrays and slices. The syntax is shorter than C-style for loops ForStmt = “for” [ Condition | ForClause | RangeClause ] Block ....

2021-06-11 1325 words 7 min

About This website is statically generated using Hugo and hosted on Netlify. I chose Hugo because a blog-style website is usually straight forward enough to use a static site generator. Between buying a domain name, setting up a Netlify account, installing Hugo, and choosing a theme – the whole process of setting it up took less than an hour. Why I Have a Website Near the tail-end of my software development internship I found myself looking for full-time opportunities with other companies, and I was often asked the question of whether I had a website (I didn’t at the time)....

2020-05-17 224 words 2 min