
This website is statically generated using Hugo and hosted on Netlify. I chose Hugo because a blog-style website is usually straight forward enough to use a static site generator. Between buying a domain name, setting up a Netlify account, installing Hugo, and choosing a theme – the whole process of setting it up took less than an hour.

Why I Have a Website

Near the tail-end of my software development internship I found myself looking for full-time opportunities with other companies, and I was often asked the question of whether I had a website (I didn’t at the time). One recruiter even pressed further, acting surprised as if it were uncommon for developers to not have a website. I just didn’t have a need for one at the time!

It took about a year until I realized a few benefits of having a website as a developer. I decided to do it for purely selfish reasons – to host my résumé in order to make job searching easier.

Plus since Netlify integrates with GitHub and GitLab, it’s ridiculously easy to update my website.

My Résumé

My résumé is written and formatted in LaTeX, and I generate a PDF version of it using Gitlab Pipeline. Each time I commit a change to my résumé, this website automatically references the most recent version of it.