For those that use ThinkOrSwim, here are some simple and helpful trading grids to get you started, especially if you don’t track these tickers yet.
S&P 500 Intraday Setup
This is my setup for intraday SPY/ES.
Market Open / Lunch Times
This section provides useful ToS scripts that don’t come with ToS by default. I’ll link them directly below.
Use this script to draw vertical lines for market open and lunch times. This expedites the process of searching for these specific time periods each day.
Market Open Price
Use this script to draw a horizontal line at today’s open price. This expedites the annoying process of searching for the market open bar/candle.
This section provides trading grids, consisting of tickers and some studies applied to them.
Market Internals
Here are the indixes I track to gauge market internals. I use these indixes to gauge market sentiment, breadth, volatility, and general trends.
Market Internals: $TICK, $VOLSPD, $ADSPD, VIX, /ES, $TRIN |
Get the ToS grid here: Market Internals Grid
Safe Havens
Here are the tickers for safe havens I track. Specifically bonds and gold. I also have /ES and VIX in this grid to compare safe haven flow to S&P, while keeping volatility in mind as well.
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Market Internals: VIX, /GC, IDCT3RT, IDCT7RT, IDCTCRT |
Get the ToS grid here: Safe Havens Grid
Top 5 S&P Stocks
This is just a grid for the top 5 S&P stocks.
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Top 5 S&P: FB, AMZN, AAPL, MSFT, GOOG. And /ES. |
Get the ToS grid here: Top 5 S&P Stocks Grid
This is not investment advice. Do not make investment decisions based off my Internet comments.